Wow to think that this time last week it was Christmas Eve and people were bustling here and there. Now most people are on Holiday at their favourite beach spot enjoying our super Summer! How quickly it all comes to an end!
So before we say Goodbye I really wanted to show you some of my Favourite Christmas cards we received this year! It's such a buzz to receive soooo many hand-made cards, I really love to see all the ideas that my wonderful friends come up with! (in another post soon I'll show you my fav Baby cards that have been given to us!!)
So before I pack up my tree and take down all my beautiful decorations later today, I wanted to soak in the Christmas spirit just once more....
My Top FAVOURITE is, Ohhh there are all too wonderful in their own unique ways,
I can't pick a top fav!! What is your favourite??

Love that bow and the sparkly snow flake!
I love the simplicity of this, just the two colours
and the twine on the top is really, REALLY cool!
and the twine on the top is really, REALLY cool!

Ohh how I love the design of this, the colours, the twine, the staples, the idea!!!

Made by Sarai Mcdougall.
How gorgeous are those baubles, I love the idea of this, again the colours are great!
Made by Teresa Mcleod.
I love the roughness that Teresa adds to her cards, she LOVES this technique!

I love the roughness that Teresa adds to her cards, she LOVES this technique!

Made by Amanda Aitken.
How simple is this but ohh so lovely!
Love the star in the middle and Amanda's gorgeous writing so works on the front!
How simple is this but ohh so lovely!
Love the star in the middle and Amanda's gorgeous writing so works on the front!
So that's all. I hope that you have enjoyed looking over some of the amazing cards we received! Thank you to each one of you wonderful people that made a card, they're such a joy to get!!
Well have a super duper New Year everyone.
I pray that this coming year is one full of sunshine in your life,
much growth & strength through those times that we struggle in,
blessings in abundance not only for you but for those around you
and ultimately,
revelation of how much your
Heavenly Father REALLY LOVES YOU
and your purpose here on the earth!
much growth & strength through those times that we struggle in,
blessings in abundance not only for you but for those around you
and ultimately,
revelation of how much your
Heavenly Father REALLY LOVES YOU
and your purpose here on the earth!
I look forward to catching up with you again next year and continuing this wonderful adventure of blogging and the Wide World Web....
Lots of love and Hugs and smiles
Sharnee :0)
Lots of love and Hugs and smiles
Sharnee :0)
They are all beautiful. Love how Carli did the wreath, very clever!
Wow, thanks for putting mine up :-) Carli's would have to be my favourite, it's beautiful! Happy New Year Lovely xx
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