Do you ever find yourself before getting started on a card wondering what would be the best look, what layout to use, or perhaps how can you make this different from sooooo many other cards you've already made?!! With all that in mind I went to my scrap box! Oh how I love what comes out of that box! Strips of this and pieces of that all come together to create a wonderful card!

I hope you've had fun with your latest project! What was it??
Smiles Sharnee :0)
Birdie For You
Set: Boho backgrounds, Friends 24-7, Basic Phrases, Scribble This Jumbo Wheel
Ink: Tempting Turquoise, Pretty in pink & Chocolate chip
Card: Tempting Turquoise, Pretty in pink, Whisper white & Chocolate chip
Acc: Pretties kit pearl, Dimentionals, clear emboss powder, pastels & Flirty ribbon (retired)
Cute birdie. Great choice using the pearl. I like the stamping and embossing detail. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment.
There you have it indeed!! Sharnee this is sooooo cute. Loving the bird...can't get enough of birds! And hello! You must have the most awesome scrap box ever!
So ... ooo tweet!
he does have a lot going on...but it's totally working for him! i love the vintage type feel with the handmade pattern, colors and the accents!
Your bird is delightful indeed! Great card! :)
just too cute.
What a great card! Thanks for the comment also, that was very nice, I am new to card making so really glad to hear feedback! :)
Very cute!
That bird is so cute! Love the ric rac and ribbon treatment! Thanks for taking on an Embellish challenge!
Hey Sharnee, thanks for popping by my blog! How funny that you used the same velvet ribbon on a card not too long ago. The Vanilla slider is from the Hodgepodge Hardware-Very Vanilla. Do you guys carry that in the SU! catalog in Tasmania? You'll have to check it out. Love your blog!
Sooo pretty!!! Great use of ribbon! Thanks for playing along with us!
Very pretty! that bird is sooo cute!
I love all of the trim that you used! So glad you joined in on the Embellish Challenge!
Oooh! So pretty! I think my mom just gave me some of that trim. Hmmm... :-) Hope you and your fam are doing well! Hugs!
Oooh! So pretty! I think my mom just gave me some of that trim. Hmmm... :-) Hope you and your fam are doing well! Hugs!
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