My beautiful cat Kaizahn was very sadly put down on Friday after 13 wonderful years of life! I wanted to take a moment to show you how gorgeous she was! If you'd like to know and see more pic's of this wonderful pet hop on over to my family blog-
The Torrents Times.
Sharnee that is such sad news, she does look very sweet and fluffy in that photo.
I share your pain as I still feel a twinge from when I put my 15yr old cat down 8 years ago.
I'm thinking of you in this difficult time.
Hi Sharnee,
Kaizahn was such a little treasure and we shall miss her very much. Our pets come into our lives and bring us such joy. Although it hurts when they go, they leave us with a lot of happy memories. Think of these memories when you remember Kaizahn and smile, for it is better to remember and smile than to remember and cry.
Love Kim
I wondered where she was on Thursday :o(
I had one of my cats put down a few weeks ago - so hard.
Bec xx
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