It's actually Sapphire's birthday card, she has just turned one! (read more about that HERE) and the DSP I used is the Birthday Basics pack. Just cut yourself a 2 1/2" by 2" piece of paper, roll it over your bone folder to soften it and then roll it up! (kinda like you're making a smoke I've been told!! hee hee) Then adhere the end down and squish it a little along the seem. Place your next bit of sticky strip on the back and place it on your project!! Easy!
Inside it has a pop-up, to be something a bit more special for our now one year old!! I do hope you can join in on the fun at Perfectly Rustics this time, we would LOVE to see your wonderful work!
Hi Sharnee,
This is such a simple, but cute and effective card that could be used for anyone by just changing the colours.
Love it!
Just love the colours & simplicity of the card !!
Thanks a lot Sharnee for dropping in & showering love on my Love book:)
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