Our precious little Sapphire turned 3 last Sunday! Three!! What an amazing member of our family she is, adored by all and very excited to be celebrating her birthday! Of course, like most little girls in this day and age she is a Frozen FAN! If you could get Elsa and Anna cats, sausages and swimming pools (things she has TRULY asked me for!!! CUTE!) then her world would be complete!
My last card and tag combo was for her, a combination of snow and sparkle and Elsa! I made this stamp myself with the retired stamp kit SU once stocked which allowed you to make your own stamps! You can see my other card made with it HERE.
There are some wonderful new goodies in the Holiday Mini including the cute Home for Christmas Designer series Paper and the Snowflake Elements which I used. The sparkle frame is Dazzling Diamonds glimmer paper and the silver metallic thread another new product to Stampin' Up! The words that I put togetherer for the greeting is from the Happy Birthday Everyone Hostess set. It has great greetings including "to my darling," so I did some cutting and pasting to make up the words "our" and "girl." The Happy birthday stamp I popped inside is also from that great set!
Needless to say Sapphire LOVED her card and her pressie which was a Frozen hopper ball!
I hope you have been inspired to get wrapping and co-ordinate a tag to match your card while all your stamping goodies are out and being used! It's a special way of adding that something extra,

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