Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Don't you just LOOOOVVVEEE Opp-shopping!!?? Well i sure do!! One of the wonderful things that my mum taught me and something i enjoy greatly but don't do it any where near enough. So today we went to our local store (looking for things to dress up in for Sophia's 3rd birthday Ballet party) and what did we find instead, a great woolen blanket to take with us camping this weekend (it's our first camping trip as a family!) a sailor hat and a Captain Feather Sword costume!! FUN!! Well as you can see all the kids wanted to try it on and have pic's taken so i thought I'd show you guys too!!
(hello especially to Auntie Sarah who loves seeing photo's of her niece's and nephew!)


Anonymous said...

lovely lovely lovely!!! looks like you had the most WONDERFUL afternoon with the treasure you found whilst at the Op Shop!! : ) xx LOVE the little snaps!

Anonymous said...

Cuties! What a great the blog too! Sam D xx

Sophie said...

waaaaaaay too cute Sharnee!!!