This is a pretty fan-tabby-hoobie day!!!!!! (do you remember the Hoobes?? ABC, it's a kid's show, very cute!) anyway I popped onto Kristina's site today to see if the round up from the last colour challenge had been posted, something I must admit I've done twice a day since the challenge finished!! It's seemed to take forever, Kristina even said herself, but never the less it was THERE!!! (the round up that is)
I quickly scrolled down the page, past her very cool button card and there in the first line of 5 was a little peak at MY CARD!!!!
YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!!! (yes there will be much excitement in this, possibly lots of waffle too..)
I'm in a little shock even now actually! My card was actually picked in the top 15!!!!
Now let me put this into perspective for you, there are always heaps and HEAPS of entries in her fabulous Colour challenges. In this particular one she had 194, that's right 194 people entered!! And I was in the top 15 picked!!!! Me, from tassie with all those others!!!!
More YAY's! YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!
Even now as I type my face is beaming from side to side!! :0) So totally on a high!!!
Thank you to all the wonderful and super people who popped over and left comments and those who have also already left Congrat's comments! It means soooooooooooooo much and I appreciate it HEAPS!!! Special thanks to Heath, Amanda, Carli and Kim for their excitement over my news!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!!
Looking forward to the next one......
Hugs and smiles from the very excited and extremely happy Sharnee!! :0)
Congratulations Sharnee, Thats great news!!!! Hope i can join in in some of this fun very soon
Congratulations my lovely friend! A well deserved effort - your creations are truly beautiful, unique and definitely worth the mention! xx
Great news Sharnee. They got it right this time. I LOVE your card. Bronwyn XX thrilling for is a very creative and inspiring card...I love the textures you've created! bx
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