I've been waking with butterflies ALL week now, with an extra bunch thrown in just this morning!!! My body is sooo funny like that, whether it's Christmas, my birthday, anything that is all exciting I get the hugest case of the butterflies!!!!! Oh well by tomorrow morn (once I've graced the stage of convention with my Workshop WOW) they will be all gone...... for this time!!!
So I thought you might like to see my swap for the lovely ladies (and gents) who will be attending!!! I've only made 50 but when you come home with 50 other ideas I think that's pretty great!

I hope you all like it!!!!!
Well best be off, packing to do, children to love and hubbie's lunch to prepare!!! I can't wait to tell you all about convention 2011 when I get home in a few days!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Hi Sharnee, hope convention is even better than you think it will be. Love this card, so many great ideas to pay with :o)
xx Bec
LOVE this card! It's just gorgeous! Have a wonderful trip :)
Hi Sharnee!!! It was so fantastic to meet you at Convention. I am only sorry I did not get one of your gorgeous swaps. HOWEVER, your WOW was so great, I now know how to make my very own Sharnee Torrents card! You were awesome and I look forward to catching up with you again in the future. Don't be a stranger!! ♥
Ditto to what Paula said! LOVE your swap (even though I wasn't lucky enough to get one), LOVED your Workshop WOW, and loved meeting you in person. You are so clever, giving and such a warm, beautiful person, Sharnee. Christine xx
Hi Sharnee
So lovely to meet you at convention & loved your presentation. I'm a bit vintage/distressed challlenged, so it was great to see how you created your beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing your swap here too.
Hugs, Di
Hi Sharnee
Loved your swap card! Wished I was swapping so I could have got one. But it was so great to meet you and get to hang out at dinner on Thursday night. Your presentation was fantastic!
Hi Sharnee,
how lucky am I to get one of these - thanks!! It will be a great reminder of your fabulous Wow presentation and thanks for being such a lovely roomie too. It was a real delight to see you again and spend some time with you.
Kim xxx
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